Top 10 Health Benefites of Jackfruit

Jackfruit is an Asian tropical fruit that belongs to the family of Moraceae which is normally found in tropical areas like Thailand MalaysiaIndia Bangladesh Nepal Sri Lanka and also inBrazil.
High in protein
Jackfruit seeds contain a good amount of protein This can be added to different dishes that you prepare You can also replace lentils in your daily diet with jackfruit seeds.
Jackfruit is a great source of Vitamin C and antioxidants which can strengthen your immune system A strong immune system can protect the body from many common diseases such as cough cold and flu.
Jackfruit is loaded with carbohydrate and calorie This is a rich source of simple sugar like fructose and sucrose that gives instant energy The fruit contains zero cholesterol that makes it a safe and healthy food.
Maintains blood pressure
Jackfruit has potassium that maintains the sodium level in the body Good level of potassium helps to maintain the fluid level to balance electrolyte Hence it is useful to reduce high blood pressure stroke and heart attack.
Improves digestion
Jackfruit is a rich source of dietary fiber that makes it a bulk laxative This helps to improve digestion and prevents constipation.
Prevents colon cancer
Jackfruit is high in dietary fats that cleanse the toxins from the colon Hence it reduces the toxin effects in the colon and gives protection from colon cancer.Antioxidants in jackfruit protects from cancer ageing and degenerative disease.
Improves eyesight
Rich antioxidant content in jackfruit increases eye vision and provides protection against cataract and macular degeneration Jackfruit also contains vitamin A that is a vital nutrient for eye health.
Skin health and ageing
Many natural factors such as increase in age menopause and low nutrition cause the body to age. Pollution UV radiation and smoke also promote ageing process at an early age Antioxidants present in jackfruit can destroy the free radicals in the body to slow down the ageing process.
Jackfruit provides relief to people suffering from asthma Asthma is a respiratory disorder affecting a number of people today.
Bone health
Jackfruit contains calcium which strengthens and promotes healthy bone This can also prevent osteoporosis Jackfruit also contains good level of potassium which can decrease the loss of calcium through the kidney and increase bone density.


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